Nude Herbs
Spring Crop

Ali Karami

“My parents would talk about the importance of health, and the ancient recipes that their family had held for generations”, said Dr. Ali Karami, a Research & Development Scientist and founder of NudeHerbs.
Recollections of his parent’s recipes slowly faded into the background, however, as Ali went to pursue a career in academic research and dedicated his life to helping people improve their physical, mental and emotional health.
Many years later after having reached academic success and in search of something more to his life - inspiration struck. Ali remembered his parents’ ancient recipes and everything clicked. This was the beginning of NudeHerbs.
Ali found that combining nutrition science with his parent’s ancient recipes was the key to creating a natural and powerful beverage that, not only was delicious, but cleansed the body and led to genuine health and wellness.
NudeHerb beverages are made of freshly brewed herbs and flowers. They are low in sugar, with no artificial ingredients and come in 4 delicious flavour profiles - Cleanse, Relax, Focus and Beauty.